Letter for the Publisher: Tech + Innovation

Too often we link the words “innovation” and “technology” as if you can’t have one without the other. But there are plenty of examples where innovation is taking place and technology has little or no impact.

Consider the Request for Proposal Process (RFP) that the City of Cape Girardeau has used for various projects. The success is not because of new bells or whistles. It’s in the process and incentives offered to developers who can take unused or underused buildings and land to generate increased economic activity. In this issue of B Magazine, Jon K. Rust shares more about this and a few examples of how it is working.

In an analysis commentary, I share data on how raising the Missouri minimum wage might not provide the economic benefit for workers that some hope. In fact, there is research that says as the minimum wage increases, lower-cost technology can replace unskilled workers. A couple of points: 1) This is one of the likely unintended consequences of the policy that voters supported in November with Proposition B. 2) The availability of technology — and in some cases its relatively less expensive proposition — means that it’s increasingly vital for workers to earn a post-high school degree or attain trade skills needed in the marketplace.

If you want to train up in the technology world, this issue also hosts a list of resources for programs you can use, where you can do this in Southeast Missouri and who can help.

Innovation and technology are not simply one-time-per-year topics. If there’s something out there you’ve heard about and think would make an interesting story in 2019, pass it along to B Magazine editor Mia Pohlman at mpohlman@rustmedia.com.

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Here’s to a strong finish in 2018 and a prosperous 2019.


Lucas Presson


B Magazine